
Candise, Priestess of Grace is an ordained priestess who offers many different services through her business : Blessings and Magic. 

A priestess is a woman who has dedicated her life to serving the Goddess through her offerings, she merges spiritual truths with grounded reality to create practical change and individualized awakenings. 

Please find her services offered below:

Psychic Channeling: a psychic channeling session will offer you clarity and specific, precise direction around the matter you are looking for guidance upon. These sessions are channeled and can include card readings, astrology, medium communications, pet communications. Psychic channeling sessions are offered in 30- or 60-minute sessions or as an accompaniment to an energy whole-ing session. These can be done in person, over the phone, video or via email.

Energy Whole-ing: with a background in Healing Touch, Reiki, and Medical Qigong, Candise utilizes her training and her inner guidance to take you through an energy whole-ing session where your energy stagnations are cleared, deficiencies are filled and balance and harmony is achieved throughout your energetic body. These sessions work on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Pure Source energy is directed through your chakra system, meridians and entire vessel to realign you, instigate healing from within, energize and lighten your being. Energy Whole-ing is offered in 30-or-60- minute sessions or as an accompaniment to a channeling session. These sessions can be done in person, or as a distance session.

Ceremony and Ritual Facilitation: blessingways, naming ceremonies, death transitioning, new life arrival, home blessings, first moon time, red tents, love union, marriage, dissolution of marriage bonds, baptisms, and all other rites of passages are held in sacred presence through the ceremonies and rituals created specifically for your occasion. Ceremony and Ritual is offered as a service led and guided by Candise for you individually or, as often the case for a group, or individualized outlines can be created for solo or personally led sessions. 

Women’s Workshops : The Four Phased Moon The Four Phased Woman is one of the most popular workshops led by Candise, you may also be interested in a workshop based upon the phase of the year and how it corresponds to the Wheel of the Year or you may request a personalized workshop for a group of women and yourself. Stay tuned to Candise’s pages for information on upcoming workshops and message any time with specific requests. 

One on One Packages : a one-on-one package is tailor made for your needs, this can be a mixture of any of the above services to best aid you in your journey, these sessions can be 30-60-90 minutes in length and are offered in person, over the phone, video or via email.

You may contact Candise about her services at:
You may follow her on Facebook at: and on Instagram at: well as

Grace Be With You,Candise, Priestess of Grace

* for entertainment purposes only

Psychic Channeling, what is that?

When I first began to do readings in an official manner, I didn’t really think about what to call what I did.

I began by calling it ‘reading cards’, it’s what I had heard others call readings that involved cards and so it seemed the appropriate title.

The cards are a great spiritual ally of mine and how I first discovered my ability to read for others. As a child I had had psychic experiences that my family marvelled at and still like to tell tales of to this day, it had just never dawned on, me once I stepped onto my path to attempt to read for anyone.

One day, however, I stepped into my favourite soulful bookstore on the West Coast, Banyen Books, and found myself drawn to a beautiful deck of cards, (my first of many to come), the Goddess Guidance Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue.

I began pulling a card each morning and placing it on my altar, it was an inspiring addition to my morning routine, soon after I had a New Year’s get together in my tiny apartment and felt inspired to invite everyone to pull a card for their New Year intention, this developed into me pulling a few cards for each participant and sharing what I saw coming through, a fellow Scorpio friend of mine remarked – “Candise, you’re really good at this,” and I became aware in that moment that what had begun as a fun activity had overtaken me, I was filled with inspiration and had been soaring as the words had come pouring through, the fact that my ability was validated by an onlooker filled me with confidence and a new passion. That was the simple beginning to my psychic channeling.

Soon after I began to have clients trickle in and I started to notice that the same cards spoke different messages to me each time, I have a few favourite layouts that I utilize when reading, (layouts that are specific to my readings) but those can change as well. Overtime I also began to notice that the cards gave me an overall overview of a theme or sensation and gave me the first few words to begin the reading, but then my words would begin to soar, it was like automatic writing, but speaking, I realized that I was channeling messages from Source/Guides/Ancestors, and that the cards were for me, not the client, the cards were the key that opened the door and parted the veil between this realm and the higher ones for me. Once this became apparent, I could no longer call my readings ‘card readings’, however, I also didn’t want to use the title psychic reading, simply because there are a lot of connotations that accompany that term. There is an idea that a psychic reading will know everything, will fortune tell or predict the future, this was never my aim and 90% of my clients aren’t really looking for this kind of support anyways.

In my experience, the future is always being shaped by our now moment, there are (hundreds, thousands, millions, billions????) so many parallel realities that we bounce around through, I would never attempt to solidify somebody’s future through fortune telling, nor am I comfortable reading on another person who is not present, in fact I will not even attempt to figure out if ‘so and so is cheating’ or if ‘so and so took the money’ etc, that’s not how I apply my gift.

What I do, is channel, I am a psychic channel and while my intention is never to predict the future, there is more often than not glimpses into the near future, a few months down the line etc., or glimpses into the most likely outcome of a situation based upon the person’s current level of consciousness and these I offer only with consent on the part of my client and they are always offered through me as a loving nudge in the direction that will most align with the clients soul calling in life.

The majority of a reading is always spent clarifying the next steps, actions, choices available for the client’s highest good, greatest awakening and ultimately deepest fulfillment. There have been revelations about love and money (everyone’s top topics), housing, careers, family, children, health and adventures, there is also often guidance around healing, sources offered to upgrade one’s vibration to its next level – suggestions around therapy, 12 step programs, books, specific meditations, yoga, qigong, the universal library of healing modalities is endless and what is channeled for each client is an individualized program as needed.

My favourite part of this work is how empowering, validating and nurturing readings are, the Spirit that underlies all is felt so close during these readings and it is viscerally apparent just how loved each one of us is. The readings are never ominous or scary or dreadful, regardless of the state of a person’s life, the readings always bring into perspective just how okay everything is, how loved each one of us are and how cared for we are when we simply open up and allow Spirit to guide the way.

Grace Be With You,
Priestess of Grace

The Cosmic Womb

March the Power Month, via Priestess of Grace on Facebook

The Pregnant Pause after Imbolc, via Sagewoman Blogs

Aquarius Crone Moon, via Priestess of Grace on Facebook

Winter Crone Goddess on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page

Taurus Mother Moon on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page

Cusp of Storms on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page

Autumn Equinox on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page