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Sagittarius Mother Moon on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page

Sagittarius Mother Moon, lunar beams of hope raising me up.

Tonight’s Mother Moon is a blue moon, the second full moon in one month. This month has been insanely intense for me, the fact that five planets have been retrograde has not made this pressure cooker of a month feel any easier.

I have been dreading tonight’s moon, and in my dreading has come an avoidance to writing tonight. Because of this avoidance I have been reading old posts of mine about Sagittarius Mother Moon’s. On my Priestess of Grace Facebook page I found that the majority of Sagittarius Mother Moon’s I have written about have been big one’s, they have been super moons and moons ending eclipses or moons on Friday the 13th. I also discovered that last year’s Sagittarius Mother Moon was also full during a Mercury Retrograde, it was also not an easy one for me.

What I found interesting when I read last year’s blog post about the Sagittarius Mother Moon was remembering what a tough time that moon was for me, and yet, in retrospect I have found memories of that time. The unknown, living with my parents, the quiet spring days that felt so long are now warm memories of a time when we were all close as a family and awaiting what would be. What a profound and cliched truth that the times when we struggle become the ones we remember with fondness, once we are through them.

I don’t know if that will be the case with this time in my life however.

I have been dreading tonight’s moon because it is a Sagittarius Mother Moon. Normally I don’t look forward to Sagittarius energies, as it is one of my least favourite energies, however, I had conceived a Sag-to-be. While I was pregnant with my little archer I began to appreciate this energy, as I contemplated how I would mother a Sagittarius and how young Sagittarius energy would influence our family dynamic all of the most shining qualities of Sagittarius began to rise up in my consciousness. I felt the little archer influencing my energy as it grew in my womb.

I actually became excited to be around Sagittarius energy.

I was excited.

And then I miscarried. A big, messy, bloody, almost pass out and end in surgery miscarriage.

I new this moon was coming and I was not looking forward to it, in fact we will have two Sagittarius Mother Moon’s this year and the idea of big emotional Sagittarius energy made me fear what would come up for me. Where is my lesson in all of this?

As if loosing my baby wasn’t hard enough for us as a family, less than two weeks later my father-in-law passed away. That’s one baby and one father that my husband lost within a two week period. At this point I was expecting us all to just sink down into a dark abyss of despair, a heavy, sinking swamp of grief for our family to wade through.

Somehow, unexpectedly, I feel brighter than ever, and my husband that has been struggling immensely, which has meant large struggles within our marriage, with his father’s cancer, seems softer and more grounded than ever. I attribute this to a few factors, first grace, big grace to carry us through this time, and next love, our marriage came to a breaking point of grief and we decided we had to find lightness and love with each other despite our circumstances, and lastly, the spirit of my Sagittarius baby and my father-in-law.

I truly feel as though that Sagittarius spirit-to-be, the sign of optimism and good luck is with me now, I feel that little being beside me like a cherub angel and I feel as though the pureness of that being blesses me and is infusing me with optimism and hope, two things that are very foreign to my nature.

I also feel as though my father-in-law is guiding my husband through this time and his gentle spirit is tending to my husband’s heart.

Sagittarius Mother Moon’s are all about emotional optimism and emotional adventures. I have been just so stressed and sad these past months and after my husband and I hit our breaking point I began to reach up spiritually, I needed to be lightened and to get back into the vortex, I could not live in the realm of circumstances because the circumstances just continued to get worse and worse.

I found an Abraham Hick’s prosperity process, it involves spending energetic money, $1,000 the first day $2,000 the next and so on, you write cheques and decide what you will spend your energetic money on. The first day I ‘bought’ more groceries, herbal products and some more items I had been needing but waiting on due to our budget. The second day I got stuck after ‘spending’ $800, that was eye opening to me, I didn’t know how to spend dream money. I didn’t know how to dream about what I wanted for the joy of it, I realized I spend my time dreaming about what I want in the needs department and the ministry department but not so much in the fun and wants department. As I began to expand my dreams and to get into the ‘spending’ all of a sudden new money began to appear, money that I wanted deposited into our savings account, I always want extra money in the savings account. It dawned on me, if we had extra money that flowed into our life, we could take a small portion for us as a family, just as ‘fun’ money, I suggested this to my husband and he agreed, for the first time in years I began to feel excited and happy about money and not at all stressed about spending it.The next day, I realized that we had even more extra money, more to deposit into savings and more to take a portion for some fun.

This energy of flow and prosperity and enjoying the prosperity and being ‘lucky’ (I don’t believe in luck but it’s the Sagittarius term) reminds me about the bright side of Sagittarius. I’ve had many Sagittarius men in my life and now this baby and these moons, so much Sagittarius energy, energy that was my least favourite for a very long time, energy that I resisted up until this baby, energy that I probably always would have resisted if not for this baby. I feel blessed by the archer now and I feel blessed to have an archer spirit by my side, my ‘good luck’ spirit.

Tonight, as the moon shines full of optimism and hope I open my heart up, willing and ready to feel the pain, and exceptionally surprised to find that there is joy, light and hope that is shining through. The moon rules the emotions and the emotional realm is our guidance system, it tells us whether we are in alignment with Source energy or not. A positive and uplifting Sagittarius Mother Moon gives us all the opportunity to walk through our darker emotions and step into the light of the vortex

As you open yourself and your heart up to the archer moon tonight you may find that some of this adventurous, unfiltered, lucky energy enlivens your emotional world and begins to create experiences beyond your wildest dreams, that’s the goal I have set my sites on for tonight, a life that is beyond my dreams, a life that is guided and directed by my full and beautiful emotional guidance system.

This is a complete turn about for my soul, once upon a time, 13 years ago, I discovered that I had a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body that could only be overcome by obtaining hope. I was crushed, I shared with my tribe that hope was something I would not tolerate, I wound’t, couldn’t risk opening myself up to hope and being let down, I had been too crushed by life, too traumatized and betrayed. 13 years later and in the face of a devastating two weeks I find myself buoyed and carried on the wings of hope and this hope that I find comfort and validation in only leads to more hope as I witness true change and evolution within my soul’s evolution on this earth plane.

Tonight I am soaking up this hope and beaming it out into the world from my open and full heart, I wish that all of you will ride these lunar beams of hope into newer expressions of life and dreaming and love as we continue to evolve and grow together on the wings of hope’s light.

Grace Be With You,
Priestess of Grace,
Candise Soaring Butterfly
image taken from:

Sagittarius Mother Moon, Living Life as an Adventure

This Sagittarius Full Moon marks one full month since my family and I moved across country.

I am a full moon baby, I was born on the full moon, or as I call her the Mother Moon as was my daughter. Mother Moons are a comfortable energy for me, they are full, loony, bright, emotional, emotive, watery, these intense beams of lunar luminescence suit me well. However, this month my beloved Mother Moon is ruled by the Sagittarius Goddess Archetype and Sag and I don’t get along nearly as well as the magical moon and I do.

Sagittarius is fiery bright rather than icy lunar bright, she is unfiltered and hot headed rather than calculated and cool, Sag is optimistic to the point of laughing at the very real fears and concerns of the more serious and introspective souls like myself

I have been living this past month with my Sagittarius father we have an intensely challenging past that has since been cleared away as much as it can over the ten years that I have lived afar. Us sharing a living space with my daughter as my husband and mother are out to work has been enlightening.

Tonight’s moon is highlighting all that I am facing right now, all that is coming up to be transcended. This does not feel like a healing time, I have had many moons of those, rather do I feel the archer daring me to overcome and to transform the root of patterns that were created due to conditioning from the one person I am now spending most of my time with.

This is not comfortable.

What this Sagittarius Mother Moon is illuminating in me is the need to resonate to my own frequency. Mother Moons are balancers, they are full and beaming and opposing the full and hot sun. The Gemini Sun, is inspiring me to be curious about my life, to seek out a new home, new job opportunities for my husband, new rhythms for my daughter and I and new ways to show up in my family of origin. Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is currently retrograde and kicking my butt a bit, so a lot of this curiosity and dreaming of new beginnings, something that isn’t very comfortable to my Scorpio Sun (death and endings)/Taurus Moon (rooted and stationary) self as it is, feels halted. Balancing this sun’s energy is the Sagittarius Mother Moon that is calling for me to be adventurous in my heart, in matters that, well matter to me. Sagittarius is calling for me to toughen up a bit emotionally, to get excited and to venture out into the unknown. Sigh. These past moon’s I have written on have been so comfortable and easy for me, this energy is not my native energy, this energy is the grain of sand that will turn into a pearl.

My morning began with a firm resolution to be the Mother of my family and to co-exist with my alpha father without bending to his will. I am firm in my resolution to do this without fighting or being harsh, I am committed to being non-resistant and solid. While him and my daughter were out on their morning walk I began the day with a half-moon yoga practice. When my little Maiden returned she wanted to read cards and so we intended to pull for this full moon, I pulled Ostara: New Beginnings, Vesta: Home and the fairy card Dreams Coming True. Such hopeful cards!

I am believing in the blessings that this co-house of grandparents, parents and toddlers is creating. I am believing in the blessings that my daughter is receiving during this time and the relief that we are receiving as we build our nest egg a little more and wait to be led to our perfect home.

I am also hopping onto this Mother Moons lunar beams and riding the waves of optimism, I am choosing to be inspired by what can be and to treat this time as an adventure. When I had first moved out west my employers wife would tell me, “Candise, life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” So this quiet, abundance of time with my daughter, father and I will be the adventure that I live daily. I will learn to be in tune with the Great Mother Tao and to observe with love the patterns and conditioning that he is in without taking them on. And I will revel in the adventure of being pilgrims, setting down new roots in new land and creating a new life for our nuclear family.

I invite you to allow the Sagittarius Mother Moon to take your hand tonight, to light up your heart and to give you the daring boldness to jump into the actualization of your hearts truest desires, letting go of the lower vibrations that would hold you back, allow the archer to shoot you forward into the life of your dreams and live this life as an adventure.

Grace Be With You,
Priestess of Grace,
Candise Soaring Butterfly

image taken from:

Today on Priestess of Grace’s Facebook Page: Moon Mysteries, Sagittarius Mother Moon